| 1. | I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans . 我喜欢新烘咖啡豆的清香气味。
| 2. | The grinder can be used for grinding coffee beans 研磨机可以被用来研磨咖啡豆。
| 3. | We ' re at the coffee bean and there is no solution 我们正坐在咖啡厅里并且问题无解
| 4. | It ' s the coffee made by authentic coffee bean 这是用正宗的咖啡豆煮的咖啡
| 5. | It ' s the coffee made by authentic coffee bean 这是用正宗的咖啡豆煮的咖啡
| 6. | Notify me of updates to intenso forte coffee bean 1kg Intenso红牌咖啡豆1kg更新时通知我
| 7. | Coffee beans are the seeds of coffee plants 咖啡豆是咖啡树的果实。
| 8. | His wife ground coffee beans for the guests 光是对所有客人的问候就花去了超过半小时的时间。
| 9. | Starbucks also provides fresh food and coffee beans 同时星巴克还提供种类繁多的食品和咖啡豆。
| 10. | Ottolina " classica " coffee bean 1kg Ottolina意大利经典咖啡豆1kg